Spotlight on Laboratory of Dr. Carolyn Slupsky
The laboratory of Dr. Carolyn Slupsky has three major research focuses:
- Food: Aiming to define metabolomic profiles for various diets, food and plant tissue to understand the implication of food processing, agricultural practices, and plant health status on plant metabolism. Moreover, we believe that our work on plant pathogens will provide insights on plant health and disease progression. More information about about food metabolomics is avilable on the Slupsky Lab website.
- Nutrition: Aiming to understand the impact of diet on human health from the perspective of nutrition, the gut microbiome, and host-microbial co-metabolism through a multi-disciplinary research approach by integrating clinical assessment, with global gene expression profiles, as well as function and structure of microbial systems. More information about nutritional metabolomics and gut microbiome is available.
- Personalized health: Using the systematic integration of host phenotype, metabolic profiles, microbial community analysis as well as clinical and dietary assessment to define health through individualized phenotyping. These studies will provide novel insight on health management, food development and a move toward targeted therapy and personalized nutrition. Our review article on personalized health and personalized cancer care is available online.
Recent publications by lab members include:
Chen SY, Yu HT, Kao JP, Yang CC, Chiang SS, Mishchuk DO, Mau JL, Slupsky CM. Consumption of vitamin D2 enhanced mushrooms is associated with improved bone health. J Nutr Biochem. 2015 Mar 5. [PubMed]
He X, Slupsky CM. Metabolic fingerprint of dimethyl sulfone (DMSO2) in microbial-mammalian co-metabolism. J Proteome Res. 2014 Dec 5;13(12):5281-92. [PubMed]