Dr. Eleonora Cremonini and Elena Daveri receive "Best Poster" awards at the 7th International Conference on Polyphenols and Health
Two members of the laboratory of Dr. Patricia Oteiza, Dr. Eleonora Cremonini (PostDoc) and Elena Daveri (Ph.D. student), received “Best Poster" awards at the 7th International Conference on Polyphenols and Health held in Tours, France, October 27-30, 2015. They received 2 of the 11 awards given among a total of 362 posters presented.
As described in the conference’s webpage (http://www.icph2015.com/ ) “ICPH is the most important international forum to present and discuss the latest trends, topics and developments in the field of polyphenols, food science and health". The awards were given for their respective work on “(-)-Epicatechin improves hepatic insulin sensitivity and redox signaling in in vitro and in vivo obesity models” (E. Cremonini) and “Procyanidins modulate the lipid raft-associated epidermal growth factor signaling“ (E. Daveri).
Contact for more information:
Dr. Patricia Oteiza, Professor, Nutrition Department, (530) 754-6074, poteiza@ucdavis.edu