Position Title
Associate Professor
Associate Nutritionist in AES
- B.S., Animal Science, Shenyang Agricultural University
- M.S., Animal Science and Technology, China Agricultural University
- Ph.D., Animal Sciences, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Research Interests
My overarching goal is to evaluate the risks and opportunities of nutritional factors in enhancing neurodevelopment and host resilience to early-life adverse events (e.g. infection and stress). Our research use neonatal pigs as a translational model, becasue of broad resemblance between pigs and humans in many aspects, such as digestive physiology, components of immune system, anatomic structure of brain and perinatal neurodevelopment. Specifically, our current project investigates how unbalanced iron status in early life affects systemic and CNS iron hoemostasis, susceptibility to infections, brain energy metabolism, and social cognition using nursing pigs.
Selected Publications
Ji, P., E. B. Nonnecke, N. Doan, B. Lönnerdal, and B. Tan. 2019. Excess iron enhances purine catalolism through activation of xanthine oxidase and impairs myelination in the hippocampus of nursing piglets. J. Nutr. nxz166. [PubMed]
Wu, Z., B. Tan, Y. Liu, J. Dunn, P. M. Guerola, M. Tortajada, Z. Cao, and P. Ji. 2019. Chemical composition and antioxidant properties of essential oils from peppermint, native spearmint and scotch spearmint. Molecules. 24:2825-2840. [PubMed]
Liu, Y. and P. Ji. 2019. Dietary factors in prevention of pediatric Escherichia coli infection: a model using domestic piglets. ILAR J. 1:1-19. [PubMed]
Ji, P., B. Lönnerdal, K. Kim, and C. N. Jinno. 2019. Iron oversupplementation causes hippocampal iron overloading and impairs social novelty recognition in nursing piglets. J. Nutr. 149:398-405. [PubMed]
Xiong, X., B. Tan, M. Song, P. Ji, K. Kim, and Y. Liu. Nutritional intervention for the intestinal development and health of weaned pigs. 2019. Frontiers Vet Sci. [PubMed]
Leyshon, B. J., P. Ji, M. P. Caputo, S. M. Matt, and R. W. Johnson. 2019. Dietary iron deficiency impaired peripheral immunity but did not alter brain microglia in PRRSV-infected neonatal piglets. Front. Immunol. 9:3150-3161. [PubMed]
Liu, H., B. Tan, B. Huang, J. Li, J. Wang, P. Liao, G. Guan, P. Ji, and Y. Yin. 2018. Involvement of calcium-sensing receptor activation in the alleviation of intestinal inflammation in a piglet model by dietary aromatic amino acid supplementation. Br. J. Nutr. 120:1321-1331. [PubMed]
Li, J., B. Tan, Y. Tang, P. Liao, K. Yao, P. Ji, and Y. Yin. 2018. Extraction and identification of the chyme proteins in the digestive tract of growing pigs. Sci. China Life Sci. 61:1396-1406. [PubMed]
Zhou, J., X. Xiong, K. X. Wang, L. J. Zou, P. Ji, and Y. L. Yin. 2018. Ethanolamine enhances intestinal functions by altering gut microbiome and mucosal anti-stress capacity in weaned rats. Br. J. Nutr. 23:1-9. [PubMed]
Tang, Y., B. Tan, G. Li, J. Li, P. Ji, and Y. Yin. 2018. The regulatory role of MeAIB in protein metabolism and the mTOR signaling pathway in porcine enterocytes. Int. J. Molecular Sci. 19: E714. [PubMed]
Zou, Y., X. Zou, X. Li, G. Guo, P. Ji, Y. Wang, S. Li, Y. Wang, and Z. Cao. 2018. Substituting oat hay or maize silage for portion of alfalfa hay affects growth performance, ruminal fermentation, and nutrient digestibility of weaned calves. Asian-Australas J. Anim. Sci. 31:369-378. [PubMed]
Yuan, D., T. Hussain, B. Tan, Y. Liu, P. Ji, and Y. Yin. 2017. The evaluation of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects of Eucommia Ulmoides Flavones using diquat-challenged piglets model. Oxid. Med. Cell longev. Article ID. 8140962. [PubMed]
Ji, P., K. M.Schachtschneider, L. B. Schook, R. R. Walker, and R. W. Johnson. 2016. Pheripheral viral infection induced microglial sensome genes and enhanced microglial cell activity in the hippocampus of neonatal piglets. Brain Behav. Immun. 54:243-251. [PubMed]
Ji, P., H. A. Tucker, R. E. Clark, M. Miura, and C. S. Ballard. 2016. Short communication: Effect of on-farm feeding practices on rumen protected lysine products. J. Dairy Sci. 99:1242-1246. [PubMed]
Dann, H. M., S. M. Fredin, K. W. Cotanch, R. J. Grant, C. Kokko, P. Ji, and K. Fujita. 2015. Effects of corn-based reduced-starch diets using alternative carbohydrate sources on performance of lactating Holstein cows. J. Dairy Sci. 98:4041-4054. [PubMed]
Ji, P., J. K. Drackley, M. J. Khan, and J. J. Loor. 2014. Overfeeding energy upregulates PPARγ-controlled adipogenic networks and inducible adipocytokines in visceral and subcutaneous adipose depots of Holstein cows. J. Dairy Sci. 97:3431-3440. [PubMed]
Ji, P., J. K. Drackley, M. J. Khan, and J. J. Loor. 2014. Inflammation- and lipid metabolism-related gene network signatures in visceral and subcutaneous adipose depots of dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 97:3441-3448. [PubMed]
Osorio, J. S., P. Ji, J. K. Drackley, D. Luchini, and J. J. Loor. 2014. Smartamine M and MetaSmart supplementation during the peripartal period alter hepatic expression of gene networks in 1-carbon metabolism, inflammation, oxidative stress, and the growth hormone-insulin-like growth factor 1 axis pathways. J. Dairy Sci. 97:7451-7464. [PubMed]
Osorio, J. S., E. Trevisi, P. Ji, J. K. Drackley, D. Luchini, G. Bertoni, D. Luchini, and J. J. Loor. 2014. Biomarkers of inflammation, metabolism, and oxidative stress in blood, liver, and milk reveal a better immunometabolic status in peripartal cows supplemented with Smartamine M or MetaSmart. J. Dairy Sci. 97:7437-7450. [PubMed]
Osorio, J. S., P. Ji, J. K. Drackley, D. Luchini, and J. J. Loor. 2013. Supplemental Smartamine M or MetaSmart during the transition period benefit postpartal cow performance and blood neutrophil function. J. Dairy Sci. 96:6248-6263. [PubMed]
Ji, P., J. S. Osorio, J. K. Drackley and J. J. Loor. 2012. Overfeeding a moderate energy diet prepartum does not impair bovine adipose tissue insulin signal transduction and induces marked changes in gene network expression during the peripartal period. J. Dairy Sci. 95:4333-4351. [PubMed]
P. Chen, P. Ji, and S. Li. 2008. Effects of Feeding Extruded Soybean, Ground Canola Seed and Whole Cottonseed on Rumen Fermentation, Performance and Milk Fatty Acid Profile in Early Lactation Dairy Cows. Asian-Aust. J. Anim. Sci. 21: 204-213.